This stock status means that we do not have stock here, but have ordered more from our suppliers. Order if you would like to get the item too, since we may only get enough to cover existing orders. Restocking dates for backordered items are unknown unless otherwise stated on the titles of each listings.

At VCA Gundam Singapore we give our customers the ability to order items that are not currently available. So if an item that you're looking for has the stock status "Backordered" or Out of Stock" in our online catalog, that doesn't mean "not available." It means there are currently no pieces in our warehouse at the moment, but if you place an order for it, we will bring it in for you!

In some cases, rare of course, there might be chance that the manufacturers decide to discontinued it, and if that happens we'll send you an email with the bad news as soon as we learn it. But we strongly recommend that customers go ahead and place orders for items, regardless of their stock status, because we'll do everything we can to get it for you if at all possible and we always do!